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  • Writer's pictureElliot Burrow

Lockdown 2.0 - What happens now?

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

Deja Vu has definitely happened there's no doubt about it and for once lightning has definitely struck twice here.

On Saturday evening, whilst Liverpool were clawing themselves back from a 1-0 deficit to West Ham to eventually run out 2-1 winners, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson made the decision, with support from his government, to put England back into another lockdown.

The decision came after coronavirus cases have soared over the last couple of weeks and with little sign that they will be dropping anytime soon, Boris put us back into lockdown again.

But there's one aspect which is different to the first lockdown, we still get to have sport on our TV's.

All football down to the National League can still continue to play and horse racing will also continue behind closed doors which is a godsend for us sport lovers.

In fact, all elite level sport can continue until any other decisions are made which can hopefully keep people going through what is going to be a tricky few weeks.

But for the clubs themselves, this announcement can only come as another blow financially for them.

On one hand they get to continue to play on and compete in the leagues but with no fans returning to the grounds now until next year at the earliest, income wise they are going to be struggling.

Racecourses are in a very similar situation. Some are already on the verge from the first lockdown, and with spectators not being allowed in still, their main source of income throughout the season isn't there.

So to keep things short and simple, how badly is this lockdown going to affect sport? And when we do return, whenever that may be, will all the clubs and racecourses still be standing? Nothing is guaranteed anymore and the only thing we can do now is hope that we all pull through these terrible times and hopefully see everything on the other side.

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