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My Story

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I'm guessing I should tell you more about myself then. As I mentioned on the home page, I'm currently studying Sports Journalism at the University of Central Lancashire and in my third year.


Ever since I was young I always had a passion for sport, playing whatever was available, and when I started to enjoy my English at school, it dawned on me just how great it could be if I was able to combine the two together.


From there I helped do match reports for a nearby paper and rugby club and slowly started to build up my contacts and develop my skills, all alongside doing my GCSEs of course!


Moving into my A-Levels I kept up my work, and even managed to feature on radio once as well, confirming what I had always feared, I do have a face for radio.


So after finishing my A-Levels, I decided to pursue a career in Sports Journalism, and after looking at a few universities I decided that UCLan was the place for me.


That brings everything up the present, where I'm still carrying out that very dream to this day through my course at UCLan, and my role through Fylde RFC who I write the home match reports for, which also get published in the national rugby paper called The Rugby Paper.


I hope you enjoy reading my pieces as much as I enjoy writing them, and I'll catch you around in some of the blogs.

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