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You can either view my CV below on this page, or click here for the PDF version.

 PHONE: 07759989073


 ADDRESS: 62 Market Street, Millom, Cumbria, LA18 4AJ.

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Personal Profile

A competent multimedia sports journalist who is constantly looking to build new contacts in the industry, and has a clear understanding for the importance that social media and online platforms bring to modern day journalism. Work published in the national rugby union paper The Rugby Paper and experience with various companies such as BBC North West Tonight and the North West Evening Mail, which have all allowed me to consolidate both my writing skills and interview techniques in a working environment.


University of Central Lancashire 2020 –

Millom Sixth Form September 2018 – 2020 

Millom School 2013 - 2018


  • BTEC Sport – Distinction

  • Geography - B (A-Level)

  • English Literature - B (A-Level)

  • ICT - Distinction

  • 9 GCSE’S

Work Placement

St Helens Rugby League - 2022

  • A week spent in the club’s media department, carrying out various pieces for them which were published on their website, and also in their match day e-programme.

BBC North West Tonight - 2022

  • 1 week work placement shadowing journalists within the newsroom environment and also going out on location and see how they conduct interviews then deliver the final package.

  • Taking in and seeing how a TV team operates throughout the day, such as planning meetings, work in the gallery, and how the presenters carry out their work live on camera.

The Rugby Paper  2021 –

  • Produce match reports for the national rugby union paper that is published weekly for all of Fylde’s home matches.

Fylde Rugby Union match reporter 2021 –

  • Produce match reports for all of the club’s home games.

  • Published on Facebook, Twitter and in the match programmes.

  • Provide live Twitter coverage of the game.

  • Match reports also sent to The Rugby Paper and the Blackpool Gazette, published both in print and online.

Around the Combe magazine sports editor - 2020 –2021

  • Gather all of the local sporting news in the area and turn it into pages for the magazine which was sent out around the town monthly.

  • Carry out interviews both over the phone and in person, then producing my pieces and proof reading and checking them before sending them off to the editors of the full magazine.                                                                         

Dream placement at Newsquest offices in Cumbria - 2020​

  • Gained experience of what a job interview process looks like, through submitting my CV then being interviewed by companies who were interested.

  • Offered a week’s placement at the Newquest offices in Carlisle

  • and Workington, where I shadowed the journalists there.

  • Produced pieces that were published in the paper and gave me my first insight into how a news desk operates and runs compared to sport.

North West Evening Mail sports desk - 2017,2018, 2019​

  • Carrying out interviews for the paper within the community, before having them published both in the paper and on their website.

  • Improving my skills and knowledge by covering a wide variety of sports, such as Judo, Fell Running, Cricket alongside my more familiar ones such as Rugby and Football.

Millom Rugby League - 2017-2018​

  • Producing match reports for the Rugby League club and various other pieces, which ended up being published in their match day programme and also online.  


Rugby League referee with the RFL    2018 –

  • Requires me to turn up to monthly meetings and also attend local development sessions to help improve my skills.

  • Builds up communication with other officials and develops my teamwork skills with working within a team.

  • Allows me to show leadership, by making sure I prepare the team properly before the game but also then during the match as well.










                                                                                 Links to my work


  • Passed NCTJ Shorthand at 80 wpm and looking to work up to the Gold Standard.

  • Knowledge of media law, regulation and ethics.

  • Reporting, researching, interviewing.

  • Recording and editing audio & video.

  • Full UK driving licence.

Software knowledge

  • How to edit videos using Avid and other forms of editing software such as Adobe Premier Pro and Adobe Audition.

  • Microsoft office.

  • Social media accounts and how to use them correctly to try and get as much engagement as possible.

  • Twitter
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  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Soundcloud
  • Spotify

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