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  • Writer's pictureElliot Burrow

Burrows Babblings Part 17 - Hughes is top jock, shorthand success, Fylde, and running shoes.

Updated: Feb 1, 2023

It's been a while since I've done a round up on my blog, so in this one I take a look at Horse Racing and the debate around whether it's a hard sport to do, it is of course but, the fact Brian Hughes is Champion Jockey once more, a look into the mystic world of this thing called shorthand, and the fact my running shoes are well and truly back out again!

Time has been flying by again recently, I've been busy with so many things I've almost lost track, I'll talk through you it all anyways and some sporting events which we all saw but I think it's worth reminding you of them because we all can forgot right?

Brian Hughes was crowned Champion Jockey for the second time in his career with a sublime season which saw him rack up over 200 winners.

To say Hughes is a talented jockey is one thing, but probably doesn't do him enough justice, he's a master of his trade who worked incredibly hard to land his first title, but worked even harder to land this second one.

His partnership with Donald McCain Jnr is a match made in heaven, McCain gets all his yard primed and ready, and Hughes quite simply does the rest.

For people who aren't familiar with Horse Racing, a lot of people would probably assume it's not really a hard sport to do, some comments from certain individuals recently have caused a heated debate over the matter as well.

The simple question is, if something is so easy, why don't they go and give it and try and prove their point?

That's because from my view it isn't true whatsoever, these trainers work hard 24/7, whether it's training their horses, talking to owners or even going all around the country with runners.

They care deeply for their horses alongside the stable staff and jockeys, and jockeys have to work so hard themselves to keep at a racing weight.

I've been fortunate enough over the past few years to talk to people within the racing world and have an insight, and everyone is so focused and determined to look after their horses and make sure they are as fit as they can be, but also cared for down to every minor detail.

Away from Horse Racing I've also had a major success I could say in my own life.

After months of hard work I've finally managed to pass a shorthand exam at 60 words a minute.

It's been tough, and a real struggle, and if you don't know again what I'm talking about, I suggest you go and research it yourself because I can't really explain it any better than writing things word for word in a faster form!

That's only the first one down though, with both 80 and 100 words a minute staring me in the face for the next year now, wish me luck.

Another thing that ties in nicely to that point is the fact that my 2nd year is now finished, I'm obviously awaiting some results back still but I'm another step closer to finishing my course.

The season at Fylde rugby union also came to a close as well, everything has been left in a finely poised position for the next campaign, and it'll be exciting to see how Chris Briers and Alex Loney shape the squad during the off season and get them ready to go again.

Working with the club has been fantastic, and the support they have given me throughout the season has also been superb.

Thanks to Allan Foster especially though who sat with me throughout the season and helped me along every step of the way, and also to Matt Garrod and the squad who gave me a Fylde tracksuit top at the final home game of the season to look more of the part.

I've still been busy rugby refereeing, and have also got my running shoes back on again and have started putting the hard miles in once more this week.

That's all I have to update you all on anyways, I'll catch you again soon, but for now I've got to go and get ready, something about going to watch a musical tonight I believe...

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